Are you a therian/Soy un therian?

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First of all, I want to say that this is not 100% accurate! But it can confirm if you are a therian or not! And remember, is NOT a choice to be a therian! Have fun!

Primero que todo, quiero decir que este quiz no es 100% correcto! Pero puede confirmar si eres Therian o no! Y recuerda, ser therian NO es una elección! Diviértete!

Created by: Random Therian!
  1. Have you ever feel a tail/wings/ears/fins..? || Alguna vez has sentido cola/alas/orejas/aletas..?
  2. Have you ever make non-juman things? Like barking/growling/walking on all fours? || Has echo cosas no-humanas? Como ladrar/gruñir/caminar en cuatro patas?
  3. Have you ever feel urge to walk on all fours? || Aveces has sentido que quieres caminar en cuatro patas?
  4. Have you ever believed you are not a human? || Alguna vez has creído que no eres un humano?
  5. Have you ever shifted? You know what shift means? || Has tenido algún shift? Sabes lo que significa?
  6. Do you believe that you have a past live? || Crees en que tuviste una vida pasada?
  7. If you were an animal, which one would it be? || Si fueras un animal, cual sería?
  8. Why are you here? || Por que estás aquí?
  9. Do you want to be an animal? || Quieres ser un animal?
  10. Do you feel comfortable in your human body? || Te sientes cómodo en tu cuerpo de humano?
  11. Have you ever feel you are in the wrong body? || Has sentido que estás en un cuerpo equivocado?
  12. Do you like nature? || Te gusta la naturaleza?
  13. Do you believe in reincarnation? || Crees en la reencarnación?
  14. You want to choose to be a therian? || Quieres elegir ser un therian?
  15. Do you think you’re a therian? || Crees que eres un therian?
  16. How do you feel? || Como te sientes? (Doesn’t affect)
  17. Did you like this Quiz? || Te gusto este Quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I a therian/Soy un therian?
