Are you a true therian?!?!

just so you know the rules BE HONEST, tell the truth, and don't be mad at your score and also this quiz is not 100% accurate.#theians, #Quads #Quadrobist

Here are your result messages:Congrats! you are a true therian! welcome to the team! YAY Congrats! you are most likely a therian! Do a little more research to find out OKAY!You are possibly a therian. If you are not you are probably a supporter.OKAY!You are unlikely to be a therian. do some more research to fully see if you are a therian.OKAY!You are not a therian. you might be an anti-therian. OKAY!

Created by: Phoenix
  1. Do you have a connection with animals?
  2. Do you ever feel like any limbs are missing from your body?(Tails, ears, wings, etc)
  3. Would you rather play inside or outside?
  4. Would you rather live in a forest or a city?
  5. Why are you here?(BTW it will not effect your answer.)
  6. Do you do Quads/quadrobics?
  7. what do you believe is your theriotype
  8. Are You sure?
  9. Were You HONEST?!?!
  10. are you ready?

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Quiz topic: Am I a true therian?!?!
