what's your theriotype?

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Hi! I’m Rain! This is my first real quiz, so plz be nice! I am looking for other therian, and trying to help people on their self discovery journey!!!!

This is a quiz to help you determine your theriotype, but it is not entirely correct. If you are unsure about anything, I recommend talking to a therian who has been in the community for ages! Or listening to vocals of your theriotype! Happy Quizzing!

Created by: Rain flower!
  1. Where do you feel at home?
  2. if you have ever had a phantom shift, what phantom limbs did you feel? skip if you haven't had a phantom shift.
  3. imagine you are in your kintype's body. what do you see?
  4. have you ever felt an urge to......
  5. What do you think about therians?
  6. What do you WANT to be?
  7. You feel weird/ lonely when you hear…
  8. Did you like this quiz?
  9. Are you therian?
  10. Bye!

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Quiz topic: What's my theriotype?
