What fursona species are you?

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Are you curious to discover which fursona best matches your personality? This quiz is designed to help you find out by exploring various aspects of your preferences, traits, and interests. With questions covering your ideal environment, preferred activities, and personal strengths, this quiz will guide you in identifying the fursona that aligns with who you are.

Simply answer each question to the best of your ability, and let the results reveal which of the following fursonas—wolf, fox, cat, dog, dragon, protogen, dinosaur, kobold, raccoon, or avian—suits you best. Whether you’re drawn to the mysterious allure of dragons or the playful spirit of foxes, your answers will help pinpoint the perfect fursona for you. Enjoy the journey of self-discovery!

Created by: Glitch3665
  1. What environment would you feel most comfortable in?
  2. How do you prefer to spend your free time?
  3. What trait best describes you?
  4. What is your type of adventure?
  5. How do you solve problems?
  6. What type of harm appeals to you most?
  7. What is your ideal social setting?
  8. What kind of challenges excite you the most?
  9. How do you express yourself?
  10. What do you value most?

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Quiz topic: What fursona species am I?
