Therian friend!

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I need some more Therian friends will you be my friend? if yes, i'll be really happy! if not, it will all be oki! I wont mind! :3 luv u guys!!!!!!! <3

I hope you will be my therian friend! have a good day you guys! stay warm! stay free, most of all stay weird! luv you guys sooooo much!!!! buh-byeee!!

Created by: Emerson
  1. Will you be my therian friend?
  2. do you mind if I take you to the store and buy you clothes based on your therio-type?
  3. where we will go for quads
  4. if you don't want to do quads I have things for you to choose from!
  5. wanna do a TikTok with me? you say, "TikTok is blocked, remember?" what should we do now?
  6. what do you want to do with me?
  7. idk what else to put lol
  8. are you the best at quads cuz I'm not lol
  9. I'm so tired do you know how to make a den?
  10. Do Therians/Furry's eat animal food?

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