how well do you know wings of fire (all books)

this is a quiz in which you can test your knowledge about wings of fire. if some of the questions are too easy for you then tell me in the comments. have fun

test your knowledge about wings of fire with this quiz. have fun do your best. and again, have fun do your best and once more, HAVE FUN! please. thankyou.

Created by: blizzard
  1. who was clay's mom
  2. how many siblings does tsunami have
  3. how old was kinkajou
  4. what was starflight muttering in his sleep
  5. who was sunny's mom
  6. what powers does moonwatcher have
  7. is winter a prince
  8. who is peril's dad
  9. how many animus dragons are seawings
  10. how does qibli stop darkstalker
  11. is Io a flamesilk
  12. can a dragon have glasses
  13. what is leafspeak
  14. is snowfall an animus
  15. is blue a flamesilk

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Quiz topic: How well do I know wings of fire (all books)