How well do you know Wings of Fire?

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Think you know wings of fire? Then you should take this quiz to test your dragon knowledge!! Can you remember the little tiny details from all the books?

This quiz is sure to pick you brain to see if you studied as hard as Starflight. But be warned, though there is no way to cheat you'll feel more accomplished if do it yourself.

Created by: HoneyDragon
  1. Who can read minds?
  2. How long does it take for a Silkwing to get it's wings after entering the cocoon?
  3. What is Aquatic?
  4. Which queen lives?
  5. How many dragon tribes?
  6. Which one is a FAKE Dragonet?
  7. Who is Sundew's partner?
  8. What was the Hivewing queens name?
  9. Who did Moon chose?
  10. What was the last Icewing animus?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Wings of Fire?
