How Well Do You Know Wings of Fire?

Take this test to see how well you know Wings of Fire! This test asks questions for all 15 books, so if you haven't read all 15, I suggest you read the final ones before you take this. Please NO COMMENTS!!!

CAUTION! Contains spoilers for all books! Take this test at your own risk! This spoils who the hero is, and what happens to the breath of evil, what happened to animus magic, and MORE

Created by: Ruby Roe of Kids-Etc
(your link here more info)
  1. Which guardian gets killed by skywings?
  2. Who was killing Queen Coral's female eggs?
  3. Which tribe was stealing the RainWings?
  4. What happened to the NightWing home?
  5. Who won The War of SandWing Succession?
  6. How do the NightWings get their powers?
  7. Who was Winter in love with?
  8. Which tribe was Peril's father truly from? (I mean his true tribe)
  9. What was Turtle's secret?
  10. Is Thorn Qibli's mother?
  11. What happened to the LeafWings?
  12. Why couldn't Cricket be taken over by the breath of evil?
  13. Has Blue been taken over by the othermind before?
  14. What happened to animus magic?
  15. Who destroyed the breath of evil?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Wings of Fire?
