What wings of fire character are you?

Hello there...! Ever wondered which wings of fire character you would be?? Well this will tell you! Have fun and tell me what you thought about it!!!!

Disclaimer: this quiz contains spoilers for wings of fire books 6-8, so if you want to read those books first, go ahead, or you can just look up the characters you don't know.

Created by: Autumn
  1. What is your favorite food?
  2. Do you like to swim?
  3. Would you say you are awesome?
  4. Do you like to watch horror movies?
  5. If an animus dragon told you he would give you a superpower, what would you pick?
  6. What is your favorite ship?
  7. What would you want as a pet?
  8. What is your favorite season?
  9. Vanilla or chocolate?
  10. This is your last question!

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Quiz topic: What wings of fire character am I?
