How much do you know about your friend?

This is a how well do you know your friend quiz.Take this quiz with your friend. This test is most likely inaccurate though. See what your friend says

If you get a high score but your friend says you got a lot wrong then try to learn more about them. This won’t exactly show how much you know your friend.

Created by: Quizzy
  1. Do you know your friends favorite color?
  2. Do you feel like you know a lot about your friend?
  3. What their favorite out of these?
  4. Are they an introvert or an extrovert?
  5. Do they have a brother or sister?
  6. What is their hobby?
  7. Are you taking this with your friend?
  8. Do you know their favorite movie?
  9. Does your friend go to any clubs like a sports club?
  10. Are you ready?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about my friend?
