What kind of friend are you?

Choose one friend that you have the contact info mation of (info mation means information, I just like it better). Answer these questions thinking about that friend. Ask your friend to answer any questions that say "Ask your friend to answer this question.

If you didn't read the last paragraph, I highly suggest reading it because it contains things you will need to know to do this quiz, and if you don't know it, it will be difficult to do this quiz.

Created by: Ameliaka Ha
  1. Your friend trips in the hallway, when a lot of people are out in the hallway. What do you do?
  2. Your friend tells you an important piece of info mation. What would you do?
  3. Define "Friendship"
  4. Which of these best describes your attitude?
  5. Which of these phrases is your favorite?
  6. Which of these best describes your Email address?
  7. Ask your friend this question: Which of these best describes the person who's doing this quiz?
  8. Ask your friend this question: Why do you hang out with the person who's doing this quiz?
  9. Ask your friend this question: Are you friends with the friends of the person doing this quiz?
  10. Ask your friend to do this quiz. What type of friend did they get?

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Quiz topic: What kind of friend am I?
