What kind of friend are you?

Hey!? Have you ever wondered what kind of friend you are? Well, this quiz probably won’t help you out much and it’s mostly just for fun but still, I just got bored and I made it

If you do not like your answers, it means your a bad friend. I’m just kidding. I guess you could take another buzzfeed quiz? Maybe make some friends and prove me wrong? I really don’t care. ENJOY OR ELSE!!

Created by: DragonDeamonWolf
  1. What is your fave color? (I’m not sorry)
  2. What is your fave color combo (still not sorry)
  3. Your stuck in a forest, what kind of forest is it
  4. What time is it in the forest?
  5. Is their anyone with you in the forest?
  6. Who is in the forest with you?
  7. What is your zodiac sign
  8. Someone is bulling someone, what do you do?
  9. What is your fave book series *kids books*
  10. Your opinion on twilight?

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Quiz topic: What kind of friend am I?
