How likely are you to be asked to prom?

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It's prom season! And that means that people are excitedly planning their prom outfits, pictures, and who they will go with! Maybe you really want a date but don't have one, or you are trying to find the courage to ask someone else to prom.

This quiz is for you, girl! I will try to accurately tell you how likely you are to have a prom date. Remember if you get a low result, they may just be too shy to ask a beautiful girl like you. It doesn't mean they don't like you.

Created by: Charissa Rachele
  1. Let's start! Simplest question first: do you have a boyfriend?
  2. Okay. So do you have a crush?
  3. All right then. Let's talk about your crush(es). How sure are you that they like you?
  4. How many boys your age talk to you on a weekly basis who are not in your family?
  5. Are you popular with girls?
  6. Have any of your crushes ever complimented you? Say on your haircut or your cute shoes or your pretty voice?
  7. What is your prom plan now?
  8. How far away is prom night?
  9. What are you wearing to prom?
  10. Have you ever dated before?
  11. How old are you more specifically than the first question? (that one won't count.)
  12. If your crush asked you to prom, would you say yes?
  13. If someone other than your crush asked you who was a nice guy but not super cute or your type, would you say yes?

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Quiz topic: How likely am I to be asked to prom?