Would Carrie White Like You?

Carrie is a novel and film by Steven King about Carrieta White, a bullied girl with powers who finally snaps at a prom, causing disaster. It’s a good film and movie, but if you existed in that universe, would Carrie like you?

Find out today with this quick and easy role play quiz that takes you through the story of Carrie, at the end you find out what she’s like about you and your place in the story.

Created by: depressed sox
  1. This’ll be a RP Quiz.
  2. Ok, so you’re in swimming class and you see a girl all alone. You go up and talk to her, she says her name is Carrie. Some girls laugh at her, what do you do?
  3. After the class, you see the same girls that laughed at her throwing tampons at her. You ask what’s going on, and they say “she’s too dumb to know what a period is..” you..
  4. Carrie asks you to walk home with her, you..
  5. On the way home, Carrie asks you if you’re going to have a date to the prom. You answer..
  6. Time skip! At the prom, you see Carrie get soaked with blood. You..
  7. You decide to walk Carrie back home. She tells you to wait outside for her while she washes off. She goes inside, and you hear her scream, you..
  8. Carrie stumbles out of the house with a stab wound, you..
  9. You take Carrie back to your house, where her wound is covered. At this point, do you like or pity her?
  10. The next day at school, you..

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