How Similar Are You To Carrie White?

Carrietta N. White is a girl who is bullied at school and lives with her religious mother Margaret, who locks Carrie in a closet when she sins. At prom, a cruel joke is pulled on her, and she uses her telekinesis to kill almost everyone.

Sure, I’ve heard the saying “there’s a little Carrie in all of us” but how prominent is yours and how similar are you to Carrie? Find out today in a matter of minutes!

Created by: Yandere~
  1. Do people bully you?
  2. Do you have powers?
  3. What would you do if you got soaked in blood at the prom?
  4. Are you a boy or a girl?
  5. If you met Carrie, you’d..
  6. Which Carrie character did you feel like you were as you watched the movie?
  7. What color is your hair?
  8. Who’s in your family?
  9. Which Carrie character has a similar personality to you?
  10. Fate.

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Quiz topic: How Similar am I To Carrie White?
