Which FRIENDS character are you?

This quiz tells which FRIENDS character you are based on your similar interest. It gives who you are mostly like. Are you most like Rachel? Are you most like Monica? Do you and Phoebe have a lot more things in common? Do you and Joey have a lot more things in common? Are you and Chandler alike? Are you and Ross alike? Find out by taking this quiz.

This quiz is based on similar interest and gives you who are most like. It also gives you situations where you might have faced. It will explain what character traits of each character you possibly might represent in your friend group or just to other people.

Created by: Sengla
  1. What is your hair color?
  2. Pick a Color
  3. How many siblings do you have?
  4. Pick a Location
  5. Pick a Subject
  6. Pick a Time
  7. Pick a Continent
  8. Pick a Profession
  9. In high school, you were
  10. Parents
  11. Pick a Character
  12. Who is most likely your FRIEND?
  13. Pick a a category
  14. Pick a Season
  15. Pick a Premiere
  16. Pick a Finale
  17. Who is your favorite
  18. What do you do when you forgot something?
  19. What do you do when your date stands you up>
  20. Where do you work?
  21. Are you organized?
  22. Do you have a lot of exes?
  23. Are you into sports?
  24. You're friends are dating. What do you do?
  25. Male or Female

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Quiz topic: Which FRIENDS character am I?
