Do I think you're fun or boring?

SO SORRY!! I am so sorry I was away for SOOO long!!! I promise to make it up to you and give this quiz! Thank you for waiting so patiently! Enjoy your time (or not!)!

Are you boring? What would you wear to prom??? Are you WAYYYY Too fun for me! or WAYYYYY Too BORING for me? read the short quiz and get your answers! Only works if you answer truthfully!

Created by: Aphmaufan103
  1. First, your age.
  2. First, some choose what you like questions.It's the weekend, what do you do?
  3. What clubs are you in??
  4. you're at a party, you....
  5. It's PROM!! What do you wear?(girls)
  6. Same thing but for boys:
  7. sorry it's so short!
  8. Hope you enjoyed!
  9. good or bad?
  10. Comment, like, follow?

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