Create your home and youll get a bff

Do you want an imaginary bestie? Well create a house and i’ll create a bestie!!! Do you want, fun, smart, goofy,horsey,prom-y well you name it and I’ll make it!!

Enjoy the quiz! It’s supposed to be a fun thing to waste your time on but just enjoy it! The characters are very special and they will create a whole new area in your head!!!!

Created by: Lola
  1. How many stories will your house be
  2. How many bedrooms??
  3. Will there be 5+ bathrooms or 5- bathrooms?
  4. How will your bedroom look?
  5. How big will the kitchen be?
  6. Where will you spend the most time in
  7. Pick a friend
  8. Pick fate
  9. Pick love
  10. I hope you enjoyed so pick a happy feeling!

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Quiz topic: Create my home and youll get a bff
