What Type of Person are You?

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Remember, last quiz where I ask you, if you are a guy or a girl (in fashion sense). This goes a step further, then that. It asks you that, except in mortal beliefs.

This quiz is important, as having mortals is very important. Because, if they are Evil, and not Good. Then, your fashion choices means nothing, other than to Trick People.

Created by: Kristopher Wright
  1. Do you love Plastic?
  2. Do you love the color black?
  3. Do you blow balloons for fun?
  4. Do you wear Latex?
  5. Do you love to paint your Nails?
  6. Do you love artificial wombs?
  7. How often do you crossdress?
  8. Are you homeschooled?
  9. Are you Straight or LGBTQ+ Community?
  10. Do you enjoy this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What Type of Person am I?
