Are You a Guy or a Girl?

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This is to see, if you a guy or a girl. This is based from my personal experience, and online research that separates them, as a guy and a girl. This is good because, knowing your gender, inside and outside matters.

This quiz is for anyone. This quiz is to see if you dress, talk, walk, and thinking things like, a guy, or a girl. This is not asking answers, based off your pyschially, or even biological gender. Rather, this is asking, your preferences, and what you dress up in fashion wise.

Created by: Kristopher Wright
  1. How long, or short is your hair? Also, is it a wig or not?
  2. What do you wear on your face. You wear makeup, or no makeup on your face?
  3. Do you wear women's clothes? Yes or No.
  4. Do you jewerly. Yes or No?
  5. Do you paint your Nails?
  6. Do you wear skin care products?
  7. Do you wear heels? Yes or No?
  8. How do you feel about, your gender? No, I'm not asking you to get, a sex change. This is asking about how you feel on the inside.
  9. Do you love gender norms?
  10. Are you a Crossdresser? Crossdressing is when you wear, the opposite gender's clothes.
  11. Do you have Masculine, or Feminine energy?
  12. Are you enjoying this quiz.

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Quiz topic: Am I a Guy or a Girl?
