How fat Should I get

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This quiz is here to see how fat you want to become. Immobile, obese, fat, chubby, skinny, or super skinny. I need at least 150 words so don't read this part.

Many people don't know so you must be here to find out. This quiz will tell you how much weight you want to gain and how big you want to get In the future.

Created by: seamoore
  1. What is your dream weight
  2. The rest are roleplay. you wake up early one morning hot and covered in sweat. you hear a grumble come from your stomach and you decide to go downstairs and get some snacks. you try to not wake up your parents but you are followed by a storm of squeaks. once you get downstairs you get some snacks and run back to your room. you see yourself in the mirror on the way to your bed and you're naked, clothes destroyed because your normally toned stomach was now bulging and it busted your clothes. you...?
  3. You finish all the snacks you got and get up and try to get ready for school. when you try to put on your school clothes they barely fit halfway over your stomach. you run to the scale and it reads 350. you...?
  4. You go to school and you get through the day until lunch where your mean friend notices your lard pokes it and says lay off the carbs. you
  5. You finish lunch and right before the seventh period you have a quick snack and your pant's button and zipper pop, as well as the buttons on your shirt. You
  6. you finish the day and as you get in your mom's car the entire car leans over and your stomach comes out of your pants and shirt. Your mom notices it and tells you to diet you
  7. you continue to gain and eventually, you reach the 500-pound mark to celebrate you.
  8. After celebrating 500 pounds how much farther do you go in your gaining
  9. You become immobile and you can go back now you
  10. Enough with the roleplay. DO you want to be force-fed
  11. When do you stop gaining?
  12. How did you like the quiz (no effect)

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