How Fat Are You? (For Teenage Boys)

This quiz is for anybody with any body type to take! Whether you think you're skinny, or fat! This quiz is for boys because it has some things that only boys would be able to answer.

I, personally, am chubby. So if you get the Pudgy or Chubby, you can probably relate to me! I'm only a teen who is in middle school. I've never gotten bullied, but it is pretty embarrassing when other people see your belly.

Created by: TheOnlyKing
  1. How many meals do you eat a day?
  2. How Would You Describe Your Tummy?
  3. How would you describe your chest?
  4. How big are your legs?
  5. Stand up and look down, can you see your toes?
  6. Lift up your shirt really fast, does your belly jiggle?
  7. When you go to the beach, do people stare?
  8. Okay, let's move on to some scenarios. It's a special dinner (Holiday) how much do you eat.
  9. You're in the locker room changing for Gym, or a sport you play. Your friend comes up to you and starts talking. What do you do?
  10. You're best friend says they're fat but in reality, they're pretty skinny What do you do.
  11. You're at a party and after dancing for a while you go to a food stand and stuff your face. Your friend comes up to you, what do they say?
  12. You ask your skinny friend if you can borrow one of their fancy outfits for a date, what do they say?
  13. On Halloween, how much candy will you eat?
  14. Okay. That's it. Now, the final question, are you happy with your body?

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Quiz topic: How Fat am I? (For Teenage Boys)

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