Are You Qualified to Be a Cheerleader?

Many girls want to be cheer leaders but many don't sign up just because they don't know if they look right or have all the qualities! I was motivated to do this because I am 13 and have cheer tryouts in two weeks, I came on this site looking for a quiz to take my self because I was discouraged that because I am chubby I wouldn't be able to be a cheerleader! The test I took was ridiculous! There was only one right answer to each problem. One of them was how SKINNY are you, I was like seriously, everyone is different not everyone is over 5"4 inches and skinny I am a very chubby girl and just because I'm chubby doesn't mean I can't cheer!

I want girls to know that if your heart wants to cheer than cheer! It makes no difference whether your the prettiest, skinniest, or most flexible what matters is that you are enjoying what you are doing! You are beautiful so don't let anyone tell you that your not! Follow your heart and keep doing what you love!

Created by: Rebecca Noel
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you flexible?
  2. Are you happy most of the time?
  3. Do you have spirit/school spirit?
  4. Can you do the splits and/or a back bend?
  5. Do you have a pretty face?
  6. What is your figure?
  7. Do you have the money? Cheer leading can cost up to $80 with all the equipment such as, your bow, uniform, t-shirt, bodysuit, shoes, etc.
  8. Can you handle attending every practice during the summer unless you are ill, or an emergency has come up?
  9. Are you sure you want to commit to cheerleading?
  10. Did thus quiz help you at all? Just remember girls/guys you don't have to be the prettiest, skinniest, sexiest person to cheer! Cheer leading is a sport and an art so enjoy it! Don't let anyone discourage you!

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Quiz topic: Am I Qualified to Be a Cheerleader?