How Episcopalian Are You? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How Episcopalian Are You?
I'm a teenager that's confirmed Episcopal and have been for as long as I can remember... Since I was like, 4. My parents've met the Presiding Bishop, and yet I only know enough to get a 90%... I feel ashamed. Very ashamed.
I was christened and confirmed Episcopalian but left the church many years ago and am now a Buddhist. It still said 90% Episcopalian.
Was Church of Christ, was Baptist, Now 88% Episcopalian. Rock on.
I'm christian doofus!
beep1 -
81%... I'm actually Presbyterian, but I know a lot of Episcopalians!
Svenilza1 -
I'm an atheist and this quiz told me I might be a Catholic XD
48& alright. I'm not a Christian and am still not sure what escopalian is but oh well
16. You are fascinated to find how much bible there is in the Book of Commin Prayer.
Fisiks1 -
I am a christend episcopalian and this quiz said 74%- that's pretty accurate
im not Christian though
What is this
100% Episcopalian!
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