Alex13writer's Profile

Joined on Jul 19, 2010
Status Level: Experienced
Alex13writer's Quizzes
- Which label are you?[published: May 02, 2012, 4 comments]
Whether you are a boy, a girl, a kid or an adult, you have a label. Some people are the smart ones, the……
- What should you name your son?[published: Sep 02, 2011, 1 comment]
I hope you enjoy the quiz. As much as I wish I was... I'm not a psychic. So if you don't like the……
- What will your Daughter's name be?[published: Aug 31, 2011, 7 comments]
Ever wondered what you would name your daughter? Well, here are some good ideas to get those……
- Educational Love Part 5[published: Aug 01, 2011, 6 comments]
I'm sorry it took so long to right this one, but I got it out and I can't wait for you guys to meet the……
- Educational Love Part 3[published: Jul 21, 2011, 2 comments]
This is the third part to my Educational Love quizes, so if you haven't taken the others, please do……
- Educational Love part 2[published: Jul 19, 2011, 7 comments]
Unfortunately, I needed to change the name, but no problem. If you weren't here for the first, please……
- Middle School Love story Part 1[published: Jul 19, 2011, 12 comments]
As you know, love influences many experiances that we humans have. Most of our music is about……
- What type of stereotypical middle schooler are you?[published: Jul 17, 2011, 29 comments]
Everyone will go through a point of question. Where do I fit in? Keep in……
- What color is your aura?[published: Jul 13, 2011, 29 comments]
Auras have been used by many to judge a person's personality or character. Knowing this, I have decided……
- What Harry Potter Charecter are you?[published: Jul 12, 2011, 13 comments]
Magic is in the air at hogwarts academy for witch craft and wizardry. Students learn……
- How fantasy are you?[published: Jul 21, 2010, 4 comments]
SOme people have an imagination beyond compare. A day dreamer, can be very valuable. Many situations……
Alex13writer's Recent Posts
"Yeah, I write songs and the accompinament. I play piano, viola, guitar, flute, violin, and cello so I have dozens of song books filled and t..."
Alex13writer's Recent Quiz Comments
"A 77. Well I just want to make a point everyone!
Beauty is in the eye of the BEHOLDER. just because booty shorts and tank tops are…"
2 -
"I'm determined"
1 -
"Would you survive the Hunger Games?
Your Result: You won with another tribute of your district!
Well done, you and your…"
1 -
"I am 9% fat and just for you CRAZIES who think that being below 5% is normal, its physically disabling. So DON'T try to change your…"
1 -
"Grace. Although I happen to be the most slumsy person I know, I may look like a Grace...."
1 -
"good quiz"
1 -
"I hope you enjoyed this quiz. I did work for a while on the result but if they're not accurate, don't sweat it. It's a mistake in the…"
1 -
"I'm so glad that this actually has HONEST results. good job"
1 -
"Great Quiz. I'm a theatrical monster if you know what I mean. Can't wait to see some more quizzes!"
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"It took me WAY too long to come on. So sorry... but it was Be-Ay-U-tiful!"