beep's Profile

Joined on Dec 20, 2011
Status Level: Novice

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13-Year Club
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beep's Recent Posts

  • "South Africa is running out of coal!If there is no more coal left,we will run out of electricity! What should we do?"
  • This will make you cry.
    "A plane crashed into a river.There were six survivers.The life boat was only big enough for two.The first four people were rowed saftly to s..."
  • "I am South African.I was born in Durban and have lived there all my life. How my family came to South Africa: My ances"
  • What does zygote mean?
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  • "Why would you say something like that?Black people have beautiful skin!"
  • 2012 here I come!
    "Hey!Hope you all have a super new year!Have fun!"

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