what is your natural beauty?girls only!

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Please read!Beauty comes from the heart so a persons lifestyle may hold clues to what their natural beauty is.The majestic dessert is a sign of stregnth while flowers are a sign of gentelness.

What is your natural beauty?Are you the majestic dessert or the beauty of nature?Are you fit enough for this quiz?Are you an outdoor person? I hope this quiz will show you your beauty!

Created by: Jenna
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. which would you prefer?
  2. you would like a:
  3. your friends describe you as:
  4. you like:
  5. which animal/bug do you prefer?
  6. your quality:
  7. do you think oil spills are bad?
  8. what weather do you prefer?
  9. Are you someone who likes hot/dry weather?
  10. Do you care about animals?

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Quiz topic: What is my natural beauty?girls only!