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Joined on Jan 20, 2012
Status Level: Newbie

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motibutton's Recent Posts

  • anyone here agnostic?
    "I can't really call myself an agnostic because I can't seem to make myself think that there MIGHT be a God. I do believe, however, that man..."
  • "If I were to move to another country, I would expect to need some knowledge of their language. If I sent my kids to school in"
  • I have to wonder...
    "Do all of you believe there are just Christians and atheists? There are other religions. In Buddhism, you don't even need to believe there..."
  • "Depends on the music. Some things are better sung by sopranos, some by altos or mezzos, some by tenors and some by basses. It really all d..."
  • Opening the blind eye
    "Right on, Bob. But you are confusing "God" with the Abrahamic God. There are others that more people than Christians believe in. Not that..."
  • "My religion has only one "sin": don't hurt any living thing except in self defense or for food (which is really self defense). We don't rea..."

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