How Original Is Your Warrior Cats OC? | Comments, Page 12
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz users for the quiz How Original Is Your Warrior Cats OC?
My OC is Poison'Vision (May have seen me on tiktok). He is a black tom with green marbled rosettes. He has heavy, amber eyes. Poison'Vision, as a kit, was always bullied for being super tall when he was born. Poison'Vision grew up being taunted and picked on. That was until he was apprenticed. All the other apprentices, especially his biggest bully, Moose'Paw, being mentored by the best warrior. I hear you ask, Well, whats better then Shadow'Gryphon, the strongest and coolest warrior? The Leader. Poison'Paw was mentored by the leader, Lion'Star. Every dusk, they'd train outside of Smoke'Clan until the stars shone at their brightest. Poison'Paw eventually became a warrior. Finally, his plan he had had since he was a kit... Kill the deputy, Frost'Claw. Frost'Claw, yes, was a good deputy, but Posion'Vision wanted power. He wanted to rule. He went over to Frost'Claw, and asked him on a walk to the gorge. He knocked the deputy into the water, drowning them. He ran back to camp, looking frightened. He ran into camp, screaming "THE DEPUTY FELL INTO THE GORGE!!!" cats crowded around as he explained that a "fox" started chasing them, and knocked him into the gorge. Warriors raced to the gorge, and found Frost'Claw dead on the side of the water. They brought the desceased deputy to the camp and stood vigil for him. The next coming days were quiet. But, finally, a day before half-moon, Poison'Vision was chosen as clan deputy, due to him being Leader's apprentice. But, soon after, someone found out what Poison'Vision had done, as Poison had accidentially said it to a warrior while they were having a conversation about breaking the warrior code. poison'Vision was chased out of camp. He evntually was cornered by 3 warriors. Including his gay mate, One'Creel. One'Creel slashed open Poison's throat, killing him. Poison'Vision was sent to the dark forest.
My warrior cat OC is named MysticClaw. She is black with deep purple eyes. She is secretly evil because of an incident that happened long ago... She is deputy of SkyClan
My OC is...
Patchspring!As a kit, Patchkit was a white calico with splashes of russet-red and chestnut-brown with New-Leaf green eyes. She was born in a litter of two in ThunderClan. Her father was unknown, her mother was Twistedbranch, a dark red she-cat with twisting black stripes like branches, and Badgerkit, a tiny white kit with silver-grey and black splotches.
In her kit-hood, her mother loved Badgerkit over Patchkit and normally neglected Patchkit, paying more attention to Badgerkit over Patchkit and teaching Badgerkit games to level up his skills while name-calling Patchkit. Badgerkit and Patchkit were close, and Twistedbranch didn't like that.
One terrible moon, a bought of green-cough spread through the Clan and dreadfully stole Badgerkit from them. Twistedbranch grieved, for it was only half a moon until apprenticing ceremonies. In anger and grief, she refused to acknowledge Patchspring for the remainder of kithood.
Patchkit earned the name Patchpaw, mentored by Dustmask. Not long after, she befriended a nervous and sweet pale ginger tom, Honeypaw. They became close friends, and often daydreamed of serving their Clan and having kits of their own.
While on a Border Patrol with Dustmask and Twistedbranch (by bad luck) Twistedbranch attacked Patchpaw and attempted killing her, but Dustmask leapt in and they killed eachother.
More out of pity than by StarClans will, her aunt, Sorrelsong, the medicine cat, chose Patchpaw as her apprentice. Patchpaw, feeling accepted, agreed.
At Moonpool, she earned the name Patchspring before the other medicine cats, including Sorrelsongs close friend, Lioncry, a very old medicine cat from ShadowClan.
Patchspring first met the irritating warrior, Crimsonfire, on a WindClan patrol with Talldusk and Mouseclaw. They had an odd interaction, teasing yet defensive and (secretly) nervous and awkward.
Crimsonfire started meeting Patchspring in secret, and StarClan told Sorrelsong a prophecy about Patchspring leaving and them need
It didn't post my whole comment ;n
My Oc's name is Kitefox, and Fluffy black she cat with Startling blue eyes. She was originally a Kit from Zinniaclan but her mother died giving birth and her father blamed her for her death. She didn't have a name then and she was slowly starving to death. A starry cat who turned out to Be Kitestar the former leader of Dowitcherclan couldn't do a lot but she made it so she wouldn't die knowing she had a greater destiny. She didn't have a name then but a couple weeks later a Sandy colored cat named Sweetpaw and her Mentor Snowcry who is the Dowitcherclan Deputy. They took her to the clan and a queen Named Otterleaf nursed her. Sweetpaw took a liking for her and played with her all the time. Hawkstar named her Kitekit as she looked like Kitestar. Kitekit had the power of knowing anyone's emotions though she didn't understand it. Kitepaw became Kitepaw and her Mentor was Rapidcreek and gentle tortoiseshell tom. Kitepaw was a quick learner but had a sassy and Sarcastic attitude but was always making everyone feel better. She earned her name Kitefox because when a Fox hurt Rapidcreek she killed it. Later she mated with Rapidcreek and they had 3 kits, Spottedkit,Starkit, and Swiftkit. Later Hawkstar dies and Snowcry becomes Snowstar. Her powers overwhelmed her as everyone had mixed emotions. Snowstar made her Deputy. Kitefox has another litter of kits about a season later ( 2 kits) Named Hawkkit and Lilykit. She later dies her father killed her but he later dies.
Not bad but what happens if stark it becomes leader? StarStar? Just so you know Prefixes can't begin with "Star"
My OCs Violetsun. In my book series, The Forsaken Frost, she is the daughter of BlizzardClans deputy, Coffeebean. At the end of the first book, she and Coffeebean; her mother, Silverminnow; and her brother, Yarrowpaw, are banished. They then go to PrimeClan.
Copper. A brown she with olive/green eyes. She's a rogue who hangs out in riverclan territory. She's a loud, mischievous feline who is 36 moons old
1Copper11 -
My OC is Summerfly. She is a ginger she-cat with a white chest, front left paw, and muzzle. She has a brown patch over her left eye, ear and fluff. She also has a brown patch on her back, right side. All of her other paws are brown too, she has green eyes.
My oc is called Pepperleap and she Is a brave young shadowclan warrior she is a tan cat with pale red splotches all over her she has blue eyes and is very kind
I've got two i did for this quiz - Mudpaw (later mudpelt) and stoneclaw. Not much backstory for either of them yet aside from them both being from windclan. Mudpaw is a tan and brown tom who's fur pattern looks like he fell in a mud puddle (hence his name), and stoneclaw is a grey tabby tom who looks similar to greystripe but his underbelly and paws are white
My OC is Rainstripe, who I made a warrior cats role play quiz series about! I can't really say how she looks because I want you to imagine that. You can take them now by clicking on my name!
Dvora M1 -
Name: Snakefoot
Age: 27 moonsDescription: beautiful tortoiseshell she-cat with a white chest and muzzle. kind of like squirrelflight, she has one white paw. her eyes are green.
Clan: Oakclan (I made it up)
status: Deputy, but also a queenFamily: mother-Rowandawn father-Moonshade siblings- Foxheart and Nettlesting. mate: Smokesky Kits: Galepaw and Breezepaw.
My OC's name is Firepaw (soon to be Fireleaf) an evil med cat app, she killed a cat with death berries, once the clan has discovered what she has done she is killed and goes to the dark forest
(she's a tortoiseshell with amber eyes and a torn ear)
Ri du is my other oc, he's a rouge cat he's also very stealthy he isnt really any harm unless threatened, he usualy visits a specific skyclan kit and Five`fox
Im so sad that almost all of the comments here r like 1, 2, 3 yrz ago... ur OCs r soo good I know the feeling that no one cares about ur Oc but you love it... I love ur OCs too n I would like to make a story with all of them
Idk if someone who already put there their OC's gonna rlly come back but yea...
My OC's name is WinterBarry
She is currently a queen raising her second litter of kits LynxKit and GoldenKit. she also had SpotKit who was killed by her former mate BrownFace. Her first litter was with BrownFace she had three kits LeopardFang, SnowTiger, and LionPaw.
Rank: Deputy/Queen
Clan: ShadowClanWinterBarry has a gray pelt with a silver muzzle and underbelly she has black speckles under her Blue-Green eyes.
Mother: SummerFern(StarClan)
Father: HawkFur(DarkForest)
Brother: HollowKit(StarClan)
Sisters: RavenFlight(Alive), MoonGrove(Alive)
Foster Mother: SilverFrost(StarClan)
Foster Father: GreenEye(Alive)Foster Brothers: TreeFrost(StarClan), BlackThorn(Alive)
Foster Sister: SnowNight(StarClan)
Mate: FlameFur(StarClan)
Former Mate: BrownFace(DarkForest)Daughters: SnowTiger(Alive),LeopardFang(Alive), GoldenKit(Alive), LynxKit(Alive)
Sons: LionPaw(StarClan), and SpotKit(StarClan)
Foster Daughters: LeafKit(Alive), RoseKit(Alive)
WinterBerry has suffered physical and mental abuse from HawkFur and BrownFace since she was a kit. her mother died during child labor and her father took his anger out on his kits and ended with him killing HallowKit thats why OwlStar forbid HawkFur to see his kits. because of trauma WinterBerry tends to be vary timed around toms(except FlameFur and GreenEye) unless they threaten her family that is still with her.
Mentor: FlowerTail(StarClan)
Apprentice: IceLight(Alive)
sorry for any spelling mistakes -
Also Leapord is golden with bronze spots like a leapord and also patterns, and black patterns (like parts of the spots and her tail tip, ear tip, legs)
My OC is Trappaw/Talon he is an apprentice currently.
Basically he falls in love, then she dies tragically by Whistleclan cats and he rages and kills their medicine cat. Then he meets a Whistleclan she-cat he nearly kills, but falls in love AGAIN and i haven't really thought into his backstory ;-; making it up as I go--
If any of u have Wattpad follow me Sp00ky_Shadow_WolfZ my oc is in one of my books ;-;
my OC is called lightning paw she is a fully black she cat and she will be the next leader of shadow clan as she is the daughter of the leader and she is evil because the thunder clan cats killed her mum and 3 of her 4 litter mates and also they killed her best friend storm paw who she had a crush on so now she doesn't let anyone in in fear that they to will die from your fellow quiz maker Draco.
Could I get a period somewhere? Grammar is one thing you should work on. Also, that is a little tragic. Why did Thunderclan kill those cats? Is there anything happy about this? What does Lightningpaw look like? Also, in the future, stray away from names long and awkward like "Lightning". It sounds better in the long run, trust me. Why was she called Lightningkit? If it had anything to do with her looks I wouldn't know, because you didn't list any. In summary, this OC isn't that great, but I've seen worse. Keep trying! :)
my oc is Ashstrike. she is deputy of thunderclan and lost her sister in the battle agaisnt the dark forest. she fell in love with a cat from another clan. she died a noble death in battle
my oc is Silverheart. i got a 78%, which is pretty good. she is part of pebbleclan after a war at the fourtees which made everyone confused. she fell inlove and got a mate, and left her clan for them. but they died so in grief they jumped into the gorge.
my oc is named pebblebounce. she is a black she-cat with white spotsand green eyes. her kits have powers like lion, dove, and jay, so that was a prophecy deliverd to her. her parents died when she was very young, but her mate lives still.
Oh and SunWhisker had 3 kits with Dimfur: moonkit ,Colorkit , and Featherkit
My OC is Sand'whisper she is a brown and dark brown fluffy cat! Her role is queen :)
My oc is named Bigflame, he is a very loyal cat and puts his clan first he believes in Starclan strongly, although he can be stubborn he loved his mate Cottonstripe who died from a strong warrior, he loved his mate more than anything until a jealous she-cat killed him shortly after Cottonstripe killed the cat Silverheart to avenge his death.
Bigflame has kitty-pet blood but yet was clan-born he is a Persian mostly white with orange splotches he has yellow eyes.
While not a Gary Stu, this character still has a lot of room for improvement. While reading this I couldn't really tell what was going on, and I even read it again and hardly understood. Personality? Where did that go? And flaws, too. What are his flaws?
his name is dreamwalker and he is mainly black and white with a red tail and ears he has black dots on his ears and a tail he is a prophecy cat with three mentors to keep him from going evil he can walk in peoples dreams an has an evil twin.
mikey 120-
Eh. Not a very good OC to be honest. This is just my opinion, but I'm sure others would say the same thing in a different way, so I'm here to help you.
Dreamwalker, while a very cool name, is very overused. I've seen this name on several cats and think about it.
Leader: Bluestar
Deputy: Redtail
Med.Cat: SpottedleafWarriors: Longtail, Darkstripe, Lionheart, Dreamwalker, Tigerclaw.
What stands out? I'm sure you thought "Dreamwalker" and while this may be a good thing in your head, a name that stands out a lot from the others is a good indicator of a Mary Sue/Gary Stu.
Also, there should be a backstory. What was this cat's past? How does it effect his everyday life and personality traits? If he has a prophecy, maybe tell us more about it. He has an evil twin? Try saying what he/she does to be evil, and also maybe stay away from the term 'evil twin' and switch to something like (Assuming it is a male figure, maybe not) wicked brother. Stay away from giving cats powers. There is only three cats in the entire warriors universe with magic, and we should probably keep it that way in ours.
And my last tip: GRAMMAR! Add periods, commas, capital letters so that you comment is more appealing! I forgot to breathe while reading this. Whew! That's all my tips for now, hopefully someone reads this.
(In that last part I mean your comment, not you comment lol. Sorry about that.)