What Is Your Future Wedding Dress?

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Hi! If you're wondering what your future wedding dress is going to look like, then this is the quiz for you! I put together this quiz that ask's you questions about the style you want your wedding dress to have.

There are five possible results, a variety of styles like, neckline, mermaid, or ball gown style ect. I hope you like what you get, enjoy! *smiley face*

Created by: Yippy
  1. Frill or no frill?
  2. Does it have to be the trad white?
  3. What type of neckline?
  4. Pattern or plain?
  5. What type of skirt?
  6. Do you like this quiz so far? (BE HONEST!)
  7. Jewelry or no jewelry?
  8. Would a veil go well with your dream dress?
  9. Do you think I'm a professional wedding dress designer?
  10. Stiff skirt or flowy skirt?
  11. Hope you liked this quiz! Did you?

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Quiz topic: What Is my Future Wedding Dress?
