What kind of bride are you?

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Many women think they know what they want for their wedding day, but few realize that there are many factors involved in choosing the right style. Personality, character, and even your day-to-day choices affect the kind of wedding that fits you best.

What type of bride are you? Is the woman you are fitting the style you want for your wedding? Take a few minutes to fill out this quiz, and find out!

Created by: Expressions Weddings
  1. You're left in a deserted island, alone. What is the first thing you do?
  2. You're getting ready for your best friend's birthday party. You'll go to dinner first, then to a dance club. What do you wear?
  3. Out of these daily tasks, which do you like the least?
  4. What type of movie do you rather watch?
  5. What do you rather have for lunch?
  6. Your kind of guy is...
  7. If you could go anywhere on vacation, where would it be?
  8. What color are your nails painted?
  9. You want your wedding dress to be...
  10. If you could drive any car, what would it be?

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Quiz topic: What kind of bride am I?