Warrior Cat Love Story (She-Cats Only)

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This love story will introduce you to three lovestruck toms, Eclipsewing, Sunclaw, and Moontail. You are Icefrost. Who do you love and who will you end up with?

This is my first quiz, so thank you for reading this and actually considering this at all, now time for the quiz! Are you ready? Just scroll down, why are you still reading this!?

Created by: MothDapple
  1. Hi, this is my first quiz. Here's the information you need to know. Your name is Icekit, your sister is Fernkit.
  2. You gently prod Fernkit, but, she tells you to find someone else to play with. You walk off and spot a gold tom padding towards you. "Oh, a nice addition to the clan."
  3. No matter what you picked, a black and red tom walks up and rolls his eyes. "Ignore him, he's a stupid mouse brain. I'm Eclipsekit. That's Sunkit."
  4. Then the three kits, yes there's a third, Moonkit, get their apprentice ceremony. "Moonkit, you are now Moonpaw. Eclipsekit, you are Eclipsepaw. And Sunkit is now Sunpaw." Who will you congratulate?
  5. Soon you become Icepaw and your sister becomes Fernpaw, your first assignment is to hunt with Moonpaw. He walks up to you and politely dips his head. "So I was thinking about teaming up and not splitting up."
  6. Your mentor tells you you have to team up so off you two go. "So Icepaw, what do you look for in a... Friend?"
  7. You become a warrior, Icefrost.
  8. You go hunting one day and encounter a fox, it pins you down ready to kill you. Who's name will you yell?
  9. *If you yelled help* Eclipsewing jumps out of a tree, tumbling with the fox until the predator dies. He looks to you, all his anger fading away. "Are you alright?"
  10. *If you yelled for Sunclaw* The fox leans in for the killing bite, but suddenly Sunclaw races and rolls it over. The fox runs off and Sunclaw looks at you. "You called for me?" He says with a ridiculous grin.

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