+{Warrior Cats Love Story}+ SHE-CATS ONLY!

Hello and welcome to my Warrior Cats Love Story Quiz! There are 5 options, and you will receive one of them as your mate! Remember, this is for fun! Feel free to take it as many times as you want!

Please answer the questions to the best of your capability's. If your decision is not present, please pick the next best option! I would love it if you would post your results and critiques in the comments when you have finished the quiz!

Created by: Cranewing
  1. You are hunting with your clanmates when you come across a group of rogues trespassing on your territory. They are outnumbered, but they are fierce fighters. Do you:
  2. You are offered a promotion to a higher rank in your clan. It would mean more responsibility and more work, but it would also be a great honor. Do you:
  3. You discover a secret that could change the balance of power in your clan. It is not your secret to tell, but you know that it could help your clan in the upcoming battle. Do you:
  4. You are in love with a cat from another clan. You know that your love is forbidden, but you cannot help the way you feel. Do you:
  5. You are given a difficult task by your leader. It is dangerous and you are not sure if you are up to the challenge. Do you:
  6. You find a lost kit wandering alone in the forest. It is scared and hungry. Do you:
  7. You are accused of stealing prey from another clan. You know that you are innocent, but no one believes you. Do you:
  8. You are betrayed by someone you trust. You are hurt and angry. Do you:
  9. You are given a chance to leave your clan and join another. It would be a difficult decision, but it could be the best thing for you. Do you:
  10. You are in love with two cats at the same time. You do not know which one to choose. Do you:

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