Are You A Therian? (ACCURATE RESULTS) | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz users for the quiz Are You A Therian? (ACCURATE RESULTS).
I love this quiz! I got 77% but that’s ok! I know, I’m a therian and I thought it’d be cool to try one made by a…non-therian? Idk really. This quiz is actually really helpful for those who do not understand all the terminologies. I really appreciate this, thank-you so much!!!
Lunnae1 -
I have been questioning my therianthopy for the past few months and idk what to do. I feel a deep connection with cats but I don't believe I am a cat on the inside. I've settled on being animalhearted but what do you say? Great quiz!!!!!
You are 72% likely to be a therian. 72%
It seems like you're probably a therian. Of course, you should probably do more research than just taking this quiz if you want to call yourself one. Have a great day! (you to)
TJW1 -
I would love to be A therian myself. it looks so fun to be one, but I know that it has downs to it. and I get it, not everyone's perfect, but I feel like I have an animalistic being inside me just waiting to be free...
I am a therian! This test is very helpful. I just did some research and found that I am a therian. Cool!
My friend was like "I know I'm something but idk what" so I was like "HERE TAKE SOME TESTS" and I found this one, I found it to be very accurate! Thank you for this!
I got a 72% but I am an actual therian lol.
Eu tô feliz que sou therian
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