How easy to fight are you?

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How easy are you to fight? Maybe you already know, but this quiz will give you a more solid answer on how tough of a force you are in a fight. So give it your nest shot!

This quiz will take from many stats to determine overall how powerful of an opponent you are in a fight. Strength, durability, speed, combat ability. Have fun!

Created by: scratchmaster
  1. How hard can you hit?
  2. How hard of a hit can you take?
  3. How much can you lift?
  4. How fast are you in combat?
  5. How tall are you?
  6. How heavy are you?
  7. How much training do you have?
  8. How well do you take groin attacks?
  9. How smart are you?
  10. Do you like fighting?

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Quiz topic: How easy to fight am I?
