Would you fight me in this situation?

Would you fight me in this situation? I'll show you 14 situations (some less, some more realistic) where you hace to choose - FIGHT or NO. -----------

In first question though there are my "categories" and fight skills. Maybe if you are bored you can wirte your in comment! ---------------------------

Created by: WiktorOk
  1. First you have to know that I'm 14, I'm 5'5 (1,7 m) tall and I weigh125 pounds (57 kg). I don't practice any martial arts but I've got good fight experience. I'm slim and above averge muscular, I'm running very fast and I'm agile, unpredictable and flexible. I can bench 143 pounds (65 kg) one time. Do you still want to fight?
  2. We walk on the school corridor surrounded by other students. Suddenly, I'm pushing you on purpose. Would you fight me?
  3. We play basketball at the PE lesson, around there are only our classmates, without teacher. Then I foul you hard. Do you start the fight?
  4. We are after that PE lesson, we are changing in locker. There's only me and you. I'm comming to you with anger and I slap you. Do you respond?
  5. We are in the school toilet without anyone else, there's no lot of space but I press you to the wall. Would you continue?
  6. During lesson, when teacher doesn't look at us, I take your notebook and throw it out of the window. What are you doing?
  7. We're sitting together in the school bus, I start to choke you. Do you continue?
  8. TOTALLY UNEXPECTEDLY we're together in dorm with two more guys. You lie on bed and I jump on you. Do you react?
  9. We're in park with our friends and they propose fight - me vs you. There are a few people around but far away. I'm ready, do you fight?
  10. We're in dark room, we don't see anything and we only hear each other (don't ask me how did we get here). You know that I want to fight you. Do you also want to fight?
  11. We're in another room where we have to fight with swords! (toys swords, of course...) Do you fight?
  12. In next room we can only fight on the floor. Do you accept?
  13. In room 4 we have to be shirtless. Do you give up or we continue?
  14. In another room there is zero gravity and we have to fight weightlessness. Yes or No?
  15. Last room offers fight with using only one hand (second is cut o... I mean tied up). You can hit, punch, chocke or knock me only with you dominant hand. Can we fight?

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