What pantala dragon tribe are you?

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Hey, I'm back with a wof quiz. I'm up to book 12 (cause I finished book 11 like 6 weeks ago, but I'm broke and can't buy the next one) so I don't really know if there's any other characters other than Cricket, Blue, Sundew, Swordtail and Luna (I forgot the names of sundew parents and I'm to lazy to check the book).

Also, at school on Monday, a new kid's coming and I'm so excited to meet them! And no I'm not the type of person that's just like "OMG i hope thier cute!!" I ain't that type of person (although yesterday, a kid in my class went "i hope thier hot!" And I'm actual thinking "did i adk?").

Created by: Quizuser
  1. Okay, would you read the book of Clearsight and lie about what it said?
  2. Favourite pyrrhia tribe? (the one with nightwings, skywings, icewings ECT)
  3. Would you rather, Cricket or Blue?
  4. Do you want 4 wings or 2?
  5. Would you free the flamesilks?
  6. What do you want?
  7. What do you think you'll get?
  8. Favourite show?
  9. Favorite animal?
  10. Alright, ready for your results?

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Quiz topic: What pantala dragon tribe am I?
