Pantala dragon quiz WOF

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You can get Blue, Luna, Swordtail, Cricket, Snudoo, or Bumblebee. Snudoo!!!!!!! I'm sorry but I need more words so i'm gonna type random words word hungry

Words something characters supercalifragilisticexpialidocious onomotopoeia something swordtail pls take this quiz pls QIBLI FOREVER qibli's the best he beat Winter!

Created by: QIBLI
  1. Fav tribe?
  2. Fav power?
  3. Pick a word to describe yourself.
  4. Fav color?
  5. You find a life long enemy.
  6. You find a strange flower.
  7. What are your thoughts about?
  8. Who do you want? (NO EFFECT)
  9. Who do you not want? (NO EFFECT)
  10. Rate this quiz. (NO EFFECT)

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