Which Pantalan Dragonet Are You?

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Have you ever wondered who you're like? Sundew, Cricket, Blue, or Luna? With this Quiz you can find out . Didn't add Swordtail by the way .

There are some questions about what your favorite movie is and stuff like that, but i gave your a way out if you don't know any / some. Hope you have fun!

Created by: Qiblithedunidragon
  1. You and a friend are in a collapsing room there is only one exit, and there is only enough time for one of you to get out. What do you do?
  2. Your friend has lost a box of doughnuts and wants you to help find them. What is your course of action?
  3. What is your view of Queen Wasp?
  4. Who in your view, would be the best at parkour?
  5. What is your favorite color?
  6. What's your favorite kind of candy?
  7. How do your friends describe you?
  8. What's your favorite movie?
  9. What's your favorite book series? (besides WoF)
  10. Who's your favorite character? I rigged this one . . .
  11. Last Question! How did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which Pantalan Dragonet am I?
