jade, c'mere u^u
Thread Topic: jade, c'mere u^u
Kori blushed a little and smiled, giggling softly. "Why thank you~ I had to change out of my dance uniform so I just threw stuff on," she said as she ran a hand through her hair, crossing one leg over the other. "My day was kinda busy, just had a lot of work with my mom and rehearsals and such-" She continued, fidgeting with one of the rings on her hand. "How was our day?"
"After I met with my father, I honestly came home and changed to come here." Cyril let out an awkward chuckle. "Sorry, but other than last night I don't lead an eventful life." Cyril pulled into the parking lot for the arcade and smiled. Although he knew he just lied to Kori, he couldn't help but feel excited they were at least getting to hang out at one of his favorite places. He pulled into a parking spot and took the keys out of the ignition. "Now, where could Oliver be?" His eyes dated around the parking lot, and soon enough he spotted Oliver's car. It was a 2002 Chevy Malibu. He and Oliver joked that it was his 'little beach car' all the time.
Cyril got out of the car, then went over to the passengers side and opened the door for Kori. He couldn't forget his manners after all. "I think I spotted Oliver's car, so he's got to be inside!"
Meanwhile, inside the arcade.....
Oliver stood at the counter, and looked at the little marquee that was above the line he was standing in. This arcade was a mix of retro coin machines, and reloadable cards. He thought about it for a moment, and made a decision. Once it was his turn, he looked at the cashier with a simple smile. "Can I get three of your eighty dollar cards?" He said, taking his own card out of his wallet as the cashier typed the amount on-screen. "Just so you know, each card comes with an additional twenty-five dollar credit. They are running a promotion this weekend. Also, just insert your card when ready." Oliver nodded, and inserted the card, then got the three reloadable cards, along with his receipt. Now all he had to do was wait for Cyril and Kori. -
Kori smiled and nodded, climbing out of the car and following Cyril inside. "I get that- I'm sure it was nice to relax a little, though," she said, chuckling softly. "I've been kind of running around nonstop all this morning and stuff-"
(just a heads up a may disappear for a few days, going on vacation and may not have access to gtq!
i'll hopefully be back by friday evening if i don't end up hopping on at any point before lol) -
(I hope you have a good time ❤)
"It was really nice" He chuckled. He stepped inside the second set of double door and smiled. He wanted to ask Kori what she did for a living, but at that moment he spotted Oliver, and waved him over. While Oliver was walking over, he surveyee the arcade and smiled. Not much had changed over the years, and it was one of those nights that it wasn't too busy. Near the entrance where they walked in was a huge glass case that had prizes inside, and along the wall behind the case were more prizes. The further the prizes went up, the more tickets you needed. Through-out the arcade, their were many different games. There were single player games, multi-player games and their were even things you could do if you had a group of people. There was also a race-track in the back for race-karts they had, and if Cyril was being honest; those were his favorites.
Oliver looked at Cyril and Kori, then handed them each a card. "Each card had $105 we can use on it. I also got bags for whatever tickets we earn too!" Oliver handed Cyril and Kori a bag as well. "Now the question is, do you all want to start out with group games, and then we each go on our way; or vice versa?" Oliver said, a bit excited to start playing the games.
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