jade, c'mere u^u
Thread Topic: jade, c'mere u^u
[i]not sure yet, but i can think of smth!
Kori texted back with a smile as she walked into the bathroom, starting her nightly routine of washing her face. She hummed softly as she quickly started to rack her brain, already trying to decide on a location to hang out. She had a few restaurants in mind, but she didn't want to just do another repeat of sitting and eating, she wanted some variety. The movies? Not much room for talking. A park? Her allergies would act up. She sighed as she headed back to her bed, sitting down on it and staring at her phone. She was tempted to look up "good places to go on a date that's not an actual date but a hangout with two guy friends", but that would be a little too pathetic, right? She decided she'd grab her journal and start writing, hoping that would help her decide on a location. -
(not sure yet, but i can think of smth!**)
Oliver awoke the next day, sunlight filtering through the window. His body felt sore from what he and Cyril went through the day before. The more Oliver thought about it, the more it didn't even seem real. He slid out of bed, and walked into the bathroom. When he got into the bathroom, he stared at himself for a moment in the mirror. He was thinking about the What if's? He picked his toothbrush, and toothpaste, and started his morning routine. Before he knew it, he was dressed and ready for a new day, and he knew the first place that he would be stopping. The florist.
For Cyril, he felt the complete opposite from Oliver. He woke up from a nightmare, his sheets crumpled together in both of his fists. His body felt sore as well from the previous days event. His jaw was also sore from clenching it in his sleep. He sat up, and picked his phone off the nightstand. The time on the clock read 9:30 a.m. He also saw a notification for a message, whom he suspected it came from Kori. He would have to read it later. He stood up from the bed, and walked over to his closet. Thankfully the door was already open, and he just grabbed his hoodie and sweatpants. There wasn't any point in dressing fancy, so might as well be comfortable. Cyril quickly threw on his clothes, and headed downstairs. Despite him being ready in about ten minutes, it looked like the chauffeur his father had sent for him was already here. Cyril nodded at the young man, and opened the door. "Let's go." He said. "Wouldn't want to keep my father waiting." He walked toward the car, opened the door to the passengers side and sat down. From here he was able to read the message that Kori had sent him. He typed up his response, this turned his phone off and put it in his pocket.
Cyril: If anything, we could always go to the arcade. If you're into that sort of thing!
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