Lavender and Maeve
Thread Topic: Lavender and Maeve
Lavender put her hand on her mouth AGAIN. "Nope. Stop talking." She giggled.
Maeve groaned in frustration.
"Just stop calling me prettier than you!"
Maeve tried to say something, but it was muffled.
"I'm not prettier than you and you know it, so don't argue."
Maeve huffed.
Lavender chuckled. She pulled her hand away again.
Maeve grabbed her wrist so she wouldn’t be able to put her hand back over her mouth. ‘You’re so cute~’
"Betrayal! Stop it!" Lavender giggled, trying to get her hand out of Maeves' grip.
‘You’re so pretty~ You’re very very VERY beautiful~’
"Shut up!" Lavender yanked her hand out of her grip.
Maeve grabbed it again. ‘No never, oh beautiful girlfriend~’
Lavender rolled her eyes, kissing her to shut her up and it totally didn't have anything to do with the fact that she wanted to kiss her.
Maeve blushed. She kissed her back, closing her eyes.
Lavender wrapped an arm around her waist.
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