Lavender and Maeve
Thread Topic: Lavender and Maeve
Lavender took her hands, gently pulling them away from her face. "There, now I can see your pretty face~"
Maeve went bright red. ‘I-I-‘
Lavender held her close. "Alright, I can stop now." She giggled.
Maeve snuggled close, burying her face in Lavender’s shoulder.
Lavender smiled, leaning her head on Maeve's and playing with the ends of her hair.
Maeve let her, still blushing profusely.
Lavender held her close, looking at her with a smile.
Maeve grinned.
Lavender chuckled, kissing the top of her head again.
Maeve blushed
Lavender grinned, fluffing up her hair.
Maeve giggled.
Lavender chuckled, holding her close.
Maeve grinned.
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