Lavender and Maeve
Thread Topic: Lavender and Maeve
‘I’m very gay,’ Maeve giggled.
"Yay~" Lavender held her close.
‘You’re so pretty~’
"You're prettier~"
‘Am not, liar.’
"Are too!"
‘Are not!’
"Are too! Now quit arguing or else I'll..." Lavender tried to think of something threatening. "Call you a pretty little princess every ten seconds."
‘Oh no, how will I cope~!’
"You're such a pretty little princess~" Lavender giggled, holding her close.
‘Noooo, how thy words wound me~’
Lavender rolled her eyes pulling her closer. "I can't help it, you're a pretty princess!"
‘I mean, beauty is in the eye of the beholder-‘
"You're the prettiest princess in the world, no one believes otherwise."
‘Am not.’
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