Lavender and Maeve
Thread Topic: Lavender and Maeve
"You're just trying to make me blush more." Lavender grumbled in defeat.
‘Is it working?’
"Maybe." Lavender tried to hide her face from Maeve again.
Maeve grinned. ‘Yay!’
Lavender glared.
Maeve beamed
"Stop acting so happy about me blushing." Lavender grumbled.
‘It means you like it!’
"Of course I like a pretty girl kissing me." Lavender chuckled. She didn't mean it as a cheesy thing to make Maeve blush. She just thought it was obvious.
Maeve blushed. ‘W-Well, I-‘
Lavender grinned. "Now you're the one blushing. Karma."
‘That’s not a bad thing!’
"Except for the fact that I get to tease you about it now~" Lavender leaned close enough that their noses were almost touching, smirking.
Maeve blushed bright red. ‘Worth it.’
Lavender started blushing again. "What?"
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