Lavender and Maeve
Thread Topic: Lavender and Maeve
"Are too!"
‘You don’t know that!’
"I do too!" Lavender huffed, playing with her hair. "You're such a pretty princess~"
Maeve giggled, leaning into her touch. ‘Fine, I’m a pretty princess.’
"Damn right you are~" Lavender grinned, kissing the top of her head.
Maeve grinned, blushing.
Lavender gave her a lovestruck grin.
(ok do you know the show How I Met Your Mother because Lavender is literally Ted from that show) -
(I’ve heard of it but never watched it lmao)
Maeve giggled. -
(idk if it's on netflix for aussies but i think it's on disney+ if not. It's pretty good, there are a few transphobic comments (i've only seen 2 so far but it does say tr*nnie so i figured it deserves a tw of sorts) and I feel like Ted is really really Lavendercore and i feel like Maeve could potentially be Robincore if she has that whole fear of labels like we talked about a bit ago)
Lavender rolled her eyes, snuggling back into her. -
(Oo okok good to know and I think she does lol)
Maeve booped her nose. -
(cool then season 1 is the main thing I'm talking about where it's like "oh my god i can see the way you see our future in your eyes augh why am i scared-")
Lavender blushed, leaning into her touch. -
(Help omfg love that)
Maeve grinned. -
(ikr- i love Robin she's so mecore in season 1 where she's just like "TED STOP BEING IN LOVE PLEASE IM FREAKING OUT"
also it's said transphobic comments 3 times now (im on season 2 lol) but one of them was at a car sooooo)
Lavender grinned back. -
(Help that’s so real lmao
That’s wild (i didn’t know cars could be trans))
Maeve giggled. -
yeah (well she is and we love her and all her genderfluidness))
Lavender kissed her nose.
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