Lavender and Maeve
Thread Topic: Lavender and Maeve
Lavender beamed.
Maeve looked up at her.
Lavender gave a small wave. "Hey~"
‘Hi,’ Maeve mumbled, very flustered.
"Sorry for making you blush so much." Lavenders' voice sounded genuine enough, but she was smirking.
Maeve huffed, burying her face back in Lavender’s shoulder. ‘No you’re not!’
Lavender laughed, playing with her hair. "It's not my fault! It's nice making you blush!"
‘You’re so mean!’
Lavender giggled. "I know." She kissed the top of Maeves' head. "If you really don't like it, you can tell me to stop."
Maeve grumbled, snuggling close. ‘Don’t stop.’
Lavender wrapped an arm around her waist. "Sounds good."
Maeve blushed.
Lavender smirked.
Maeve grinned.
Lavender chuckled, leaning into her.
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