Lavender and Maeve
Thread Topic: Lavender and Maeve
"...Are you seeing things?" Lavender tilted her head to the side slightly. "Because I'm hardly a pretty girl."
‘You’re a very pretty girl! The only thing I’m seeing is your pretty face!’
Lavender rolled her eyes, snuggling into her. "Bulls---."
‘The only thing that’s bulls--- is you not being pretty.’
Lavender chuckled.
‘I don’t hear you denying it~’
Lavender sat up straight and cupped Maeve's chin in her hand. "I'm not a pretty girl. I don't know how you got that assumption in your head, but it's wrong."
‘You’re the prettiest girl I’ve ever laid eyes on,’ Maeve said, leaning into her touch.
"Then you haven't met many pretty girls." Lavender shrugged.
‘But you are pretty,’ Maeve said, wrapping her arms around her waist. ‘Why would you think you’re not?’
Lavender blushed. "I dunno, I'm just not." She leaned into her touch.
‘Yes you are!’
"No, I'm not! Why are you so insistent on me being pretty?" It was a dumb question, but she didn't get why Maeve was so insistent on her being the prettiest girl she's ever met, even though Lavender was sure she'd seen dozens of better looking girls.
‘Because you keep saying you’re not! And you’re my girlfriend, it’s my job to call you pretty.’
"Ohhhh, so because I'm a girlfriend who sees through your bulls---, you have to be so insistent on it, I see." Lavender smirked.
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