Lavender and Maeve
Thread Topic: Lavender and Maeve
‘That makes no sense!’
"You started calling me pretty because you're my girlfriend so it's 'your job' or whatever, and once I started arguing, you had to insist on it!" Lavender chuckled, leaning into her.
‘You’re pretty, so I told you so!’
"No I'm not! Stop it!"
Maeve huffed. ‘Whatever.’
Lavender grinned triumphantly.
Maeve snuggled closer.
Lavender held her tight, burying her head in her shoulder.
Maeve played with her hair.
Lavender grinned, blushing slightly.
Maeve giggled.
Lavender looked up at her.
Maeve booped her nose.
Lavender blushed, leaning into her.
Maeve smiled.
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