Gay steampunk roleplay
Thread Topic: Gay steampunk roleplay
"Not really! I could leave right now and you'd get over it in a week!"
‘You really think that?’
"Yes! I'm just an apprentice!"
‘You’re my best friend!’
"I-" Sebastian stopped yelling for a second. "I thought Albert was your best friend."
‘Robots can’t be best friends according to you.’
"They're a pretty sad choice to have as a best friend." But so is having a worker who's going to betray you soon, so I don't have much room for an argument...
‘Then you’re my best friend. And I care about you. Please don’t leave.’
Sebastian froze. What's one more lie going to do? "...Fine. I won't."
‘Thank you,’ Vincent mumbled.
"You're welcome."
Vincent continued with the wires.
Sebastian just sat there awkwardly.
‘Did it really seem like I didn’t care about you?’
"Most bosses don't. I didn't expect you to be much different."
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